On April 05, 2024 an organ donation awareness program was organized for the students of Sri Krishna Engineering College, Panapakkam, near Oragadam, Kancheepuram. 98 students and 3 staff participated.
The session commenced with Mr. Ganesh, Marketing Coordinator introducing MOHAN Foundation and explaining about its activities. Ms Arshiya Fathima, Helpline Counsellor commenced the awareness session by acquiring the opinion of the students on organ donation. She explained the concept of organ donation, brain death, laws, myths and scams, time factor, tissue & whole-body donation and effective usage of organ donation helpline number 1800 103 7100.
The talk was followed by a short Q&A session by Mr Ganesh, he also added about the government schemes available for patients to receive a transplant.
MOHAN Foundation extends its warm gratitude to the Dr. Sivanesan N, Principal and Mr Vijay, HOD for the support in organizing the awareness talk
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad