On August 13th 2019, the Organ Donation day, Madras Mylapore Round Table 3 and its sister wing, Madras Mylapore Ladies Circle 4, organized an awareness program on organ donation and transplantation at Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology.
Ms. Sujatha Suriyamoorthi, Manager - Information Systems (MIS), MOHAN Foundation was the speaker. Ms. Angeline Racheal, student of MMM College of Health Sciences who is currently interning at the Foundation accompanied the speaker. Mrs. Karishma Rohra, Chairperson, Madras Mylapore Ladies Circle 4 and Mr. Varun Rohra President of Madras Mylapore Round Table 3 were present as well. Around 200 students from the first year MBA class and 4 teachers were the audience.
Mrs. Karishma addressed the participants and spoke about the various social initiatives taken by the Ladies Circle. She also talked about their newest initiative ‘Love for Life’ - an awareness campaign to spread the message of organ donation. Following that
Ms. Sujatha began her talk with an introduction about MOHAN Foundation and explained about the concepts of organ and tissue donation, brain death, donor card, the law - Transplantation of Human Organs Act, role of family in organ donation.
The program ended with a Q&A session in which the queries raised by the students were clarified. 14 students voluntarily registered themselves as organ donors and received donor cards.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad