On 7th June 2019, MOHAN Foundation conducted an awareness talk on organ donation for the Self Help Group members of Integrated Women Development Institute (IWDI) at Villivakkam. The session which began around 4: 45 PM was attended by eight SHG group members.
The talk was delivered by Ms. Juhija R, Statistician and Mr. Siva Shankar Helpline Executive, MOHAN Foundation, assisted by Ms. Shamily V S and Ms. Jinimol K V, Interns at the Foundation from MMM College.
Ms. Juhija began by talking about different organs and their functions, types of donations, brain death, Transplantation of Human Organs Act. Later Mr. Siva Shankar spoke briefly on the subject of how organs can be donated, briefed about the organs that can be donated and the time factor in organ transplantation.
The following were a few questions asked:
Two SHG members registered their names as organ donors and received donor cards.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad