The Gram Sabha is the fulcrum of the Panchayati Raj and village development. People use the forum of the Gram Sabha to discuss local governance and development, and make need- based plans for the village. Gram Sabha meetings are held 4 times a year (January 26th, May 01st, August 15th and October 02nd).
On May 01, 2023, Mr Ganesh C, Marketing Coordinator approached the Panchayat President of Mr. Thirumalai, Pulivalam Gram Panchayat, for an awareness talk during the meeting, who readily agreed. The Gram Sabha meeting was held at Panchayat Union Primary School, Pulivalam and the 67 stakeholders and villagers from all the 3 hamlet villages of Pulivalam were gathered. Mr Ganesh distributed information brochures and waked through the concept of organ donation and transplantation, he also highlighted the usage of Organ Donation Helpline number and availability of several schemes from the government. Mr Thirumalai also received a few helpline stickers to be put up in common places.
By the end of the session the audience took pledge to donate organs or at least eye on death so someone gets a second chance in their life, and promised to share the knowledge which they have gained that day. MOHAN Foundation wholeheartedly thanks Mr. Thirumalai for the wonderful opportunity.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad