MOHAN Foundation conducted an Organ Donation Awareness program for the social work students at Bharathiyar University on 30th, July 2010.
The session was attended by First and Second Year MSW Students from each specialization (Community Development, Human Resource & Medical & Psychiatric). Transplant Coordinator, G.Mukesh - MOHAN Foundation, explained about the Organ Donation concept, Concept of Brain Death & Transplantation of Human Organs Act. Plenty of Questions were raised from the participants.
All the participants pledged for Donor Card and expressed their support for organ donation. The head of Social Work Department thanked MOHAN Foundation for their dedicated work towards this Noble cause and announced that they have decided to carry this message to the whole college.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad