MOHAN Foundation was invited by the Fr. Jefferson, President, Don Bosco Youth Club to put an awareness stall during their Youth Fest on 22.02.2015. During this Youth Fest a Blood Donation and Organ Donation Camp was organized. The programme was coordinated Brother Lenin.
Don Bosco Youth Fest is being organized every year, where the students of Don Bosco and members of Club actively participate in it. There were 24 units in the club who participated in the event.
Ms. Kavitha. S, Marketing Coordinator represented MOHAN Foundation. There were 5 session conducted were 100 youths were addressed. The following topics were covered during the topic:
At the end of the session “Priceless Gift” information brochures and Transplant Coordinator Training Programme brochures were distributed. Nearly 125 people supported the noble cause by picking up the donor cards.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad