To create awareness on Organ Donation, Department of Community Medicine of Tagore College organized an awareness program on March 04, 2024, for the students of Arts and Science.
Dr. Ramesh, HOD of Community Medicine, Tagore Medical College and Dr. Shanthi, Principal, Arts and Science welcomed Ms. Arshiya & Mr. Ganesh C. Around 264 students participated in the session.
The sessions started with a short movie of the Gift of Life, after which Ms. Arshiya Fathima engaged the audience with a quiz based on depiction of organ donation in Tamil movies. The students were very interactive and enjoyed the quiz.
Mr. Ganesh C spoke on the basic concepts of organ donation. He focused on the importance of organ donation, concept of brain death, time factor, how to avail organ through government, government schemes, myths & scams and finally concluded the session with Q&A session.
The students eagerly waited to pledge and around 74 students collected their donor cards. MOHAN Foundation thanks Dr. Ramesh (HOD) and Dr. Shanthi (Principal) and other faculty for giving this opportunity and organizing the session.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad