On 27th October 2020, Mrs Jaya Jairam was invited by Inner Wheel Club ACES Thane by Ms Manjri Deshpande, to conduct an online awareness session for sensitizing their members.
After introducing MOHAN Foundation and its activities, Mrs Jaya Jairam shared information about the concepts and process of organ donation, organs and tissues that can be donated and the need for spreading awareness about organ donation. She then went on to discuss some of the common myths that deter the public from committing to the cause of organ donation. She also shared stories of recipients enjoying a new lease of life after transplant and living their life the fullest.
Mrs Jaya Jairam also invited the participants to join MOHAN Foundation's volunteering program. Details of Organ Donation Helpline No 1800 103 7100 & Donor Card Link was also shared.
Around 30 members participated in the session. MOHAN Foundation thanks Inner Wheel Club ACES Thane for supporting the cause of organ donation.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad