On 4th August 2020, Pratima phadatare conducted an online awareness session on organ donation with the Yashshree Academy Wai, District Satara. Mr.Kiran Bhosale and Ms Sanika Salunkhe coordinated the session.
Ms. Pratima phadatare introduced about MOHAN Foundation, its Mission, Vision and Work done. Then she explained the concept of organ and tissue donation. She also explained types of death i.e. cardiac death, brain death and she explains on brain death declaration through Apnoea test and procedure of deceased organ donation and live organ donation. She elaborated procedure of skin, bone and eye donation, as well as barriers of organ donation.
After that pratima phadatare explained myths and facts and how it impacts on organ donation process, and explained about the donor card and how to become an organ donor and the activities of MOHAN Foundation conducted for volunteers programme i.e. Angels change programme.
Around of 52 participants of Yashshree Academy Wai, 12th Standard students of Arts, Commerce & Science subjects and professor Mr Kiran Bhosale Sir attended session. All the queries of participants were answered by Ms Pratima Phadatare promptly.
We thank Mr.Kiran Bhosale and Ms Sanika Salunkhe for inviting us and supporting the cause of Organ Donation.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad