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Online Awareness Session on Organ Donation Conducted for the Members of Girl Up Imkaan, New Delhi

Updated on Tuesday, November 17, 2020
  • On November 4, 2020, MOHAN Foundation was invited to conduct an online awareness session on organ donation for the members of Girl Up Imkaan, New Delhi. The session was an initiative of Girl Up Imkaan as part of their ongoing campaign which aims at spreading awareness about organ donation and breaking all myths that revolve around the same. MOHAN Foundation was invited to be a part of this campaign for spreading the importance of organ donation, especially among the youth. Dr. Muneet Kaur Sahi, Programme Manager, MOHAN Foundation (Delhi-NCR), was the resource person.


    Girl Up Imkaan is a student-led Delhi based club under the Girl Up campaign (a UN Foundation Initiative). The club’s name ‘Imkaan’ emphasizes that we have what it takes to bring about a positive change. A collective of like-minded college students driven to serve the community, Girl Up Imkaan believes that every girl should have access to menstrual hygiene, education, health care facilities and a lot more. Its mission is to raise awareness about such issues through social media campaigns and take affirmative action to create an impact by initiating conversations on important subjects, educating the masses, conducting engaging and informative sessions, reaching out to the underprivileged and raising funds to support and empower them.


    At the beginning of the session, Ms. Anmol Kumar, a member of the PR & HR Team welcomed all the participants and informed them about the topic of the session. She then invited Ms. Kaashni Kapoor, Founder & President, Girl Up Imkaan to say a few words and to introduce the speaker of the session- Dr. Muneet Kaur Sahi.


    Dr. Muneet started the session by explaining to the participants that 'MOHAN' is not someone’s name but an acronym for Multi-Organ Harvesting Aid Network. She informed the audience about the important work that the foundation is doing for the last 23 years to promote the cause of organ donation in India. She informed that MOHAN Foundation is led and managed by a group of people who are in some way or the other connected with the cause either as an organ recipient or as an organ donor.


    She stressed on the need to donate organs and explained why there was an urgent need for donating organs in India. She explained the basic concepts of organ donation and transplantation with the help of a simple PowerPoint presentation.


    To engage participants in the discussion on who and when the organs can be donated, Dr. Muneet asked them a question that “What is the definition of death?” Some participants answered:

    • End of life
    • Ending of a vital process
    • When a person stops breathing


    After this, she asked “If a person dies and his heart stops beating, can his internal solid organs be donated? Six participants answered “NO”.


    While on the subject of brain death, a short movie was shown to give clarity on the subject and to enumerate the difference between coma and brain death. Opt-In and Opt-Out system, whole-body donation, guidelines for eye and organ donation in COVID-19 and myths around organ donation with their corresponding reality check were also discussed.


    Dr. Muneet explained the importance and the whole process of eye donation. She informed the audience that eye donation is very simple and can be done at home. She encouraged the young members of Girl Up Imkaan to start promoting eye donation through their campaign. She also explained how one can sign up to become an organ donor. 


    The participants enthusiastically contributed to the discussion and asked many queries. To name a few:  

    • What is the timeframe for organ donation after death?
    • Can all hospitals establish brain death?
    • If a deceased person did not pledge for organ donation but his family members give consent for organ donation, can the donation happen?
    • If a person is not capable of donating his eyes and organs after death, can his body be donated?


    Dr. Muneet also informed the audience about MOHAN Foundation’s one week and one-year training courses on Transplant Coordination. She said young people who wanted to take up Transplant Coordination as a career, can register for these courses. She also discussed about Foundation’s Gift of Life: a one-day certificate course on organ donation and encouraged the members to take this course as it is an easy course and it will enhance their knowledge on organ donation.


    At the end of the session, Ms. Mishti Jain, member of PR Team, Girl Up Imkaan said the session was very informative. As there are not enough campaigns on organ donation on social media platforms, Dr. Muneet’s presentation was very helpful for their ongoing awareness campaign. Ms. Kaashni Kapoor gave a vote of thanks. She said the session was very useful. Girl Up Imkaan would love to collaborate with MOHAN Foundation to create awareness programs on organ donation. 


    Close to 22 participants attended the session.

    Source-Ms. Preeti Goswami
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