Government Kilpauk Medical College and Hospital, Chennai joined hands with TRANSTAN and MOHAN Foundation to organize Organ Donation week from 8th to 12 August 2016. This was done to get support and to motivate medical professionals, paramedical staff and visitors in the hospital to pledge to donate their organs. The Campaign was a part of the International Organ Donation week celebration which falls on 6th to 13th of August 2016
The following are the events organized for Organ Donation week for the different stake holders. The medical and non medical staff showed their support for the cause by wearing the green ribbon for the entire week.
Date |
Plan of Action |
08/08/2016 |
Morning |
Afternoon |
Interaction with the workers |
09/08/2016 |
Interaction with staff nurses |
Interaction with the workers |
10/08/2016 |
CME on All Aspects of Brain Stem Death |
11/08/2016 |
One Day –Interaction and competition for the students of nursing college
12/08/2016 |
Signature Campaign and Human Chain |
8th August 2016 - Day I –Interaction with the workers
The Organ donation week programme was started interaction with workers on the concept of organ donation. The programme started with a rapport building exercise, Ms.Sunitha Transplant coordinator spoke about the importance and the need for organ donation. This was followed by a talk by Mr. Periyanayagam Transplant Coordinator on the concept of organ donation and transplantation. The day was ended with a vote of thanks. Totally 110 workers participated in the programme.
9th August 2016- Day II – Interaction with the Staff nurses.
The programme had the followings sessions
The main aim of the programme was to build rapport with the Doctors and staff nurses and to motivate them to promote organ and tissue donation in Kilpauk Medical College and Hospital. It also aimed to sensitize them on the importance of organ donation and transplantation. The staff nurses were informed about the number of donations and given examples of special donor cases.
Dr. Narayana Babu, Dean, Kilpauk Medical College and Hospital expressed that he will support and promote the deceased organ donation programme in the hospital he also mentioned that how a transplant will the change the life of the organ failure patient. His inspiring speech encouraged the staff nurses.
Dr. Muthuselvan, Nodal Officer for Organ Donation delivered a motivational talk. During his talk he requested the nurses to promote cornea donation in their wards. Totally 47 staff nurses participated and shared their opinion and experience about the organ donation.
Finally the day ended with the vote of thanks delivered by Ms.Sunitha Transplant Coordinator.
9th August 2016 - Day II - Interaction with the workers
The Organ donation week programme was started interaction with workers on the concept of organ donation. Mr. Venkatesh, Transplant Coordinator explained the concept of organ donation and transplantation. The day ended with a vote of thanks. Totally 75 workers participated in the programme.
10th August 2016 - Day III – CME on Brain Stem Death
The inauguration started with lighting the lamp and all the dignitaries addressed the students. Welcome address was given by Mrs. Sujatha, MIS Manager MOHAN Foundation, followed by it the introductory speech by the dean Dr. Narayana Babu, Kilpauk Medical College and hospital he appreciated TRANSTAN and MOHAN Foundation for their work and the support for the CME and welcomed the dignitaries present and the students. The presences of Dr. J. Amalorpavanathan, Member Secretary TRANSTAN was encouraged the post graduate doctors to take the issue seriously.
Agenda |
Speakers |
Welcome Address |
Ms. Sujatha MIS Manager |
Introductory Speech |
Dr. Narayana Babu –Dean,KMC |
Current Scenario |
Dr. Muthuselvan- Nodal Officer KMC |
Identification of the Potential Brain Stem Death Donor and certification |
Dr. Raghavendran – Department of Neuro surgery |
Brain Death Certification in IMCU |
Dr. Arunan – Department of Neurology |
Role of Anesthetist in maintaining the potential donor |
Dr. Gomathi –Department of Anesthesiology
Conrnea retrieval and utilization |
Dr. P/Shanthi –Department of Opthamology |
Role of Transplant Authority of Tamilnadu TRANSTAN |
Dr. J. Amalorpavanathan – Member Secretary |
Vote of Thanks |
Ms. Sunitha A T – Transplant Coordinator |
Lunch |
Dr. Sunil Shroff, Managing Trustee MOHAN Foundation, Dr. Sumana Navin Course Director and Mr. Sreekumar Chief Programme Manager TRANSTAN were present in the occasion. The day ended with vote of thanks given Ms. Sunitha A. T. Transplant Coordinator
Senior doctors conducted the CME on Brain Death. A resource manual was given to the students. 75postgraduate students and 20 staff attended the CME
11th August 2016 - Day VI - One day interaction with the Nursing students
One Day Awareness programme for the student nurses was organized to educate them on the concept of Organ Donation, Brain Death, and Transplantation. Dr. Hemal Kanvinde, Ms. Sunitha, Mr. Prakash, Mr. Periyanayagam and Mr. Venkatesh Transplant Coordinators participated in the programme nursing students from Nursing College, Kilpauk Medical College and Hospital. Totally 79 students of III yr and 17 tutors participated in the programme.
The session started with an ice breaking activity conducted by Mr. Prakash. K. Then Ms. Sunitha introduced the topic and the need for the awareness.
Mr. Prakash explained about the concept of organ donation, myths about organ donation, who can be a donor, what is natural/cardiac Death, Brain Death, early identification and certification, difference between Brain death and Coma, organs and the tissues that can be donated after Brain Death.
Ms. Sunitha also highlighted the nurse’s role in identifying and maintaining the potential brain dead donor. She also spoke about the importance of counseling specially grief counseling in organ and tissue donation.
Mrs. Rajeshwari Program Officer, TRANSTAN addressed the gathering and explained about the organ allocation and need for organ donation. She mentioned that Tamilnadu plays a major role in organ donation
Following are the Competition conducted for the students
Dr. Hemal Kanvinde and Mrs. Rani Ravindran of University Women’s Association sponsored the prizes for the student nurses. At the end of the day the students and tutors gave their feedback and prizes were distributed to the students and vote of thanks delivered by Mr. Prakash Transplant Coordinator for the support and cooperation for the programme.
12th August 2016 - Day V: Signature campaign and Rally
The campaign ended with a mass event planned to sensitize the general public on the importance organ donation and transplantation, the day started with signature campaign initiated by health secretary Dr. Radhakrishnan followed by Dr. Narayana Babu, Kilpauk Medical College and Hospital, Dr. J. Amalorpavanathan Member Secretary TRANSTAN, Dr. Muthuselvan Nodal Officer, Dr. Balaraman Head of the Department Nephrology followed by MOHAN Foundation team and all the doctors from the hospital showed their support for the cause by signing the banner.
The highlight of the day was rally by the Medical and Nursing Students. The rally was flagged off by Dr. Radhakrishnan. The rally was started at hospital, went to the college and ended in hospital. The students carried placards highlighting on the importance of organ donation. Totally 395 medical students participated in the rally and sensitized the general public on the noble cause.
After the rally the general public were motivated and showed their support by signing on the signature wall.
The week long programme motivated each individual in the hospital to learn and support organ donation and transplantation. More than 1000 medical and non medical staff benefited through the organ donation week programme.