Dr. Varun Bhargava M.D, Director of CARE Hospital and Critical care center, Panchseel square, Nagpur, organized organ donation awareness program on 18th April 2018. Nursing staff were present during the session. Mrs. Subhangi Pokale transplant coordinator of CARE Hospital invited MOHAN Foundation transplant coordinator Mr. Bulu Behera, to give a talk on organ donation.
Mr. Behera said that nursing profession is very intimately connected with the subject of organ donation and transplantation. He said nursing are more closely associated with the patients and their relatives and hence there was a great need to understand the subject.
He later gave a PPP and explained in details about the miracle of transplantation which helps thousands of people with gift of life. He explained the huge need of organ donations for the end stage organ failure patients, who have no other alternative to survive. He briefly explain the legal, social,religious medical and other angels which lead to several people benefiting from organ from people who brain death certification. He emphasized that nurses can play a very important role to counsel relatives of the brain death patient.
After the talk participants asked a few questions which were answered to their satisfaction. Mrs. Subhangi Pokale proposed a vote of thanks to MOHAN Foundation. About 30 nursing staff were present. Ten of them signed the consent form and took donor cards.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad