On 23rd January 2014 an awareness session on Organ Donation was organized by the Department of Social work, Dharmamurthi Rao Bahadur Calavala Cunnan Chetty's Hindu College for the NSS students of their college at Peranbakkam, Arakkonam.
Ms. Kavitha S, Marketing Coordinator, MOHAN Foundation addressed the group. In her talk she covered the following topics: importance of organ donation; live and deceased organ donation; the difference between brain death, coma and cardiac death; organs that can be donated in cardiac death and brain death, MOHAN Foundation website, time line for Organ Donation and toll free help line.
Nearly 240 students participated in the programme. The session was very lively. At the end of the session few real time stories were shared. By this group was moved and students above 18 signed Donor Card (200 students). Students below the age of 18 promised to pick the Donor Card on their Birthday.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad