On June 15th 2017, MOHAN Foundation was invited for an awareness talk on Organ Donation at the NCC Camp held at Pachaiyappa College for Men, Kanchipuram. Around 250 NCC Cadets (school and college students) attended the program along with the Officers. Mr. Sivashankar T. S. and Ms. Stina B. Manjila represented MOHAN Foundation.
Mr. Sivashankar T. S. started the session with a Q & A session. He then began his talk and spoke on the different organs in the human body, organs that can be donated etc. The students were very enthusiastic and interactive. He further explained the concepts of brain death, age limit for organ donation, time within which the organs need to be transplanted, organs that can be donated before and after death and details about the donor card.
Two students came forward and briefed about the concepts of organ donation after the talk. They were rewarded with Organ Donation badge as a token of appreciation. All students were given information pamphlets on organ donation.
The session concluded with queries from the audience. The questions raised were:
1. Can diabetes, hypertension and alcoholism be a contraindication for donating organs?
2. Can organs from an elderly person be transplanted to a younger person?
3. Age limit for blood donation?
4. Causes for kidney failure?
We thank Lt. Col Ajit Dubey of 13th TN battalion of NCC for having us invited for the talk.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad