Every year volunteers of the National Service Scheme (NSS) conduct camps in rural areas. The community is made aware of health issues, current affairs, and government schemes to improve their lives. This year Dr DRBCCC Hindu college decided to take up the cause of organ donation. MOHAN Foundation was given an opportunity to create awareness through the students via the NSS volunteers on Feb 23, 2024. Ms. Arshiya Fathima. H (Helpline Counsellor) and Mr. Ganesh. C (Marketing Coordinator) represented MOHAN Foundation.
The camp was being held at Amudurmedu Panchayat, Pattabiram. 60 students were given an awareness about organ donation by Ms Arshiya Fathima. They decided to reach out to the community through a street play that touched upon the myths around organ donation.
Then Ms. Arshiya created and guided them with a script for a street play on Myths on Organ Donation. 5 students from cultural team practiced and performed the street play with traditional paarai. Around 80 people from the community watched the play. Each one received an information brochure. Mr. Ganesh supported the event through photography and videos.
MOHAN Foundation wholeheartedly thanks Mrs. Indhumathi, Sr. NSS coordinator and Mr. Raja (NSS coordinator) and students for their efforts and cooperation during the camp.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad