On August 26, 2021, Ms. Pallavi Kumar, Executive Director, MOHAN Foundation-Delhi NCR was invited as a panelist in a panel discussion titled ‘Organ Donation-Live Beyond. Live Forever ‘organized by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) Indian Women Network (IWN), New Delhi. Mr. Boman Irani (Actor), Dr. Arvinder Soin (Chairman & Chief Surgeon, Medanta Liver Transplant Institute), Dr. Sandeep Attawar (Program Director & Chair KIMS Heart & Lung Transplant Institute) were the other panelists. Some members of donor families and recipients were also invited to share their personal experiences. Ms Bhavna Vedhara (Chairwoman, CII-IWN Delhi) was the moderator.
Confederation of Indian Industry launched the Indian Women Network (IWN) in 2013 with the vision of being the largest Network for Career Women. The thought behind the formation of IWN was that career women require a structured network to meet like-minded women to discuss and overcome challenges that they might be facing at the workplace. IWN works towards enabling women to become better professionals and achievers in their respective fields through initiatives and activities to facilitate a supportive network, a platform to learn and exchange ideas and an avenue to network and grow.
At the beginning of the panel discussion, Ms. Bhavna introduced and welcomed all the panelists. Then a lively discussion began that covered various aspects of organ donation and transplantation such as when can a person donate, who can donate, brain stem death versus circulatory death, organ/tissue donation, what are the factors that influences a person's decision to donate, what is the process of pledging, living donation versus deceased donation, Transplant Law and many myths that abound organ donation with their corresponding reality check. The transplant recipients described their experience of pre and post-transplant life. They encouraged the audience to pledge for organ donation to save many precious lives awaiting for life saving transplants.
The session was very lively and interactive as many participants asked questions which were answered one by one by the panelists. To name a few:
Some feedback from the audience:
Close to 120 participants attended the panel discussion through ZOOM platform. The session was also live on Facebook and YouTube.
Click here to watch the video.