On August 13, 2022, Ms. Pallavi Kumar, Executive Director, MOHAN Foundation-Delhi NCR was invited as a speaker at a panel discussion organized by The Healthy Indian Project Media on the occasion of World Organ Donation Day. The topic of the discussion was “Awareness on Organ Donation in India”.
The Healthy Indian Project Media is a health information and fact check platform. Their mission is to bring the most unbiased, honest, accurate and relevant information related to health for people living in India. The panel discussion was moderated by Ms. Sheela Krishnaswamy, Nutrition and Wellness Consultant. Dr. Harsha Jauhari, Chairman & Senior Consultant, Department of Renal Transplant Surgery, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi was also invited as a speaker along with Ms. Pallavi Kumar.
Following questions were asked and discussed during the panel discussion:
- What are the most common and least common organs harvested in India? Which organs and tissues can be donated while alive and after death?
- Please shed some light on the process of organ donation in India and where do you think the process fails, if at all?
- How emotionally challenging is it for you and your team to convince families for organ donation?
- There is a lot of fear and taboo associated with organ donation. What are the risks associated with an organ transplant surgery for both the recipient and the donor?
- Can age and blood group compatibility be a factor for organ donation? Also, if people suffer from certain health conditions, can they donate organs?
- How do you promote organ donation activity?
- If an organ donor dies, what immediate steps can family members take to harvest the organs? What is the time frame in which the decision to donate has to be taken?
- What are the legalities associated with organ donation in India? What do you suggest to simplify the entire process so it becomes more available to the last person in the chain?
The panel discussion was live on YouTube (35 views). Click here to watch the video.
Source-Ms. Preeti Goswami