Lifeline Centre for Promoting Organ Donation, in collaboration with National Service Unit (NSS)of Matru Sewa Sangh Institute of Social work (MSSISW) observed 8thNational Organ Donation day on 27th November, by organizing an awareness workshop for social work students with technical support from MOHAN Foundation. Dr. Ravi Wankhede, Director MOHAN foundation and Secretary, Zonal Transplant Coordination committee, Nagpur, was the chief resource person.
In his introductory remarks, Principal Dr. John Menachery said that Lifeline center, a field action project of MSSISW, has been making sustained efforts to increase the level of awareness about organ donation, especially among students and youth.
Dr. Wankhede provided detailed information about organ donation and brain death. He said India is lagging behind in organ donation mainly because of lack of awareness and wrong beliefs. 50 administrative staff, students and professors of the institute were present on this occasion. NSS programme officer Dr. Navinchandran proposed a Vote of Thanks.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad