Masterclass on Resilience - Viewing It from A New Lens - a workshop for the employees of MOHAN Foundation, supported by SBI Foundation

Updated on Saturday, May 7, 2022
  • On April 23, 2022, MOHAN Foundation in association with Network and Alliance of Transplant Coordinators (NATCO) organized a Masterclass on “Resilience- Viewing It from A New Lens” for its employees which was supported by SBI Foundation. The masterclass was led by Shri Ram Kumar Chandrasekharan. The session helped participants understand how to deal with life’s challenges in a more resilient way and empowered them with practical skills to manage and engage effectively at workplace.


    Sri Ram Kumar Chandrasekharan is a performance-driven senior management professional with 25+ years of corporate and entrepreneurial experience. He has worked with Coachees, across diverse industries and levels of experience, aiding them in problem-solving, goal setting and achievement, increasing self-esteem & confidence and communication capabilities. He has designed and delivered more than 22,000 hours of Training/Facilitation interventions (offline and online).


    In the beginning, Ms. Pallavi Kumar, Executive Director, MOHAN Foundation-Delhi NCR welcomed all the participants and introduced Shri Chandrasekharan who also led a previous Masterclass on “Goal Setting” for MF employees. Ms. Pallavi shared her views on resilience. She said that “Resilience is the biggest quality that a person should have, whether a person is dealing with family members, employees and working in a hospital as transplant coordinator, counselling the families for organ donation.”


    Shri Chandrasekharan began the session by asking a question to the participants - “Do you have any specific personal issues or topic which you want me to discuss in today’s session? Mrs. Lalitha Raghuram, Country Director, MOHAN Foundation asked “How can we deal with intolerance and impatience behaviour which we witness especially post COVID-19 pandemic? Ms. Pallavi asked “How can a person stay resilient while dealing with government bodies and stakeholders in context with organ donation?


    Shri Chandrasekharan started the session by explaining the definition of “Resilience”. He said resilience is a capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. He gave example of Ms. Cha-sa Soon, a vegetable seller from South Korea. She managed to get her driving license after 960 attempts, hence setting a true example of being resilience to achieve a goal.  Shri. Chandrasekharan discussed the following key points by the use of a simple PowerPoint Presentation:

    • Resilience comes from competence, confidence & character
    • Inner resilience can be tapped by recollecting one instance where a person displayed resilience
    • The four aspects of recollecting one instance where a person displayed resilience to find inner resilience are support systems that keep a person upright, strategies that keep a person moving, sagacity that gives a person comfort, solution seeking behaviours that a person shows.
    • Resilience is the ability to withstand adversity and bounce back from difficult life events.
    • Being resilient does not mean that people don’t experience stress, emotional upheaval, and suffering. Some people equate resilience with mental toughness, but demonstrating resilience includes working through emotional pain and suffering.


    Close to 30 participants attended the session.

    Source-Ms. Preeti Goswami
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