On 7th October, 2022, Ms. Jaya Jairam, Project Director was invited for virtual show called as “Nari Way”, which speaks about women’s issues and achievements. Ms. Farzeen and Sammera were the hosts of this show. They spoke about organ donation and introduced the speaker to the audience.
Ms. Jaya Jairam introduced MOHAN Foundation, its objectives and its mission and vision.
She gave a motivational talk about organ donation and discussed about the concepts of organ donation, explained about how a brain dead person can save up to 8 lives. She then emphasized about discussing this topic with their family members so that the conversation about organ donation will be normalized. She explained her life journey of being a Kidney recipient and discussed how the audience can support the cause of organ donation by pledging their organs and saving many lives. Certain myths and facts about organ donation was shared.
Finally, she shared about the helpline number and ended her talk by requesting the audience to watch the movie “Aye Zindagi” through which maximum awareness about organ donation can be created amongst the general public. Close to 15,000 people attended this show.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad