On December 4th 2022, Mr. Venkat from Klub Nostalgia invited Mrs. Lalitha Raghuram to inspire and motivate the audience who attended a musical concert called “Sau Baar Janam Lenge” at Veer Savarkar Auditorium. Beautiful and soothing Hindi songs of 90’s was sung by the singers and Mrs. Lalitha Raghuram was introduced to the audience and she gave them an inspirational speech on organ donation, which touched the hearts of many and motivated them to pledge their organs. Close to 500 people attended this programme.
An information desk was also set up by Ms. Rashmi Shetty, she gave information about how to pledge our organs, importance of donor card, types of donors, who can donate? 100 donor cards, 50 flyers and 20 pledge forms were distributed to the people who were interested in organ donation. 10 of them scanned the QR code to pledge organs through their smart phones.
Questions asked by the audience were as follows:
We thank Mr. Venkat for organizing this programme and inviting us.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad