MOHAN Foundation trains Transplant Coordinators on 'Role of NGOs' at the training conducted by ROTTO-SOTTO Mumbai, at Pune

Updated on Friday, June 28, 2024
  • MOHAN Foundation Mumbai's Project Director, Ms. Jaya Jairam was invited to conduct virtual training of Transplant Coordinators on the topic 'Role of NGO and awareness among various stakeholders like Schools, Colleges, Religious leaders, Community participation, Press media & others'.

    The training was conducted as a webinar on June 28, 2024 at 9.45-10.30AM and there were 49 participants at the training that was being conducted in Pune by ROTTO SOTTO Mumbai in collaboration with ZTCC Pune. Ms Jaya Jairam spoke on challenges in India, roles of NGOs, importance of public education, engaging with influencers such as religious leaders, celebrities etc. She also touched upon how MOHAN Foundation sensitizes the Police on their role in MLC cases and the Press for effective communication. Lastly she spoke about NGOs that support the cost of transplants and of the NGOs that work in patient support areas. She concluded by saying how the public, private and NGOs needed to work together towards the common objective of furthering deceased organ donation in India.

    Some of the queries raised by the trainees were -

    1. How does one set up an NGO in a location where there are no organisations working for the cause of organ donation?

    2. What costs are covered by the NGOs while providing financial support for transplant surgeries of poor patients?

    3. Why don't we find too many supporters amongst CSR organisations, for a cause like organ donation?

     The session was much appreciated and MOHAN Foundation thanks ROTTO-SOTTO Mumbai for the opportunity to train the batch of Transplant Coordinators.


    Source- Ms. Jaya Jairam
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