MOHAN Foundation was invited by Mr. Amit Kumar Maurya to set an awareness stall to create awareness on organ donation among their employees during their Stay-Fit Event at Intuit, Bangalore on February 03, 2015.
Intuit Inc. is a leading provider of business and financial management solutions for small and mid–sized businesses; financial institutions, including banks and credit unions; consumers and accounting professionals.
Ms. Akshata of MOHAN Foundation explained to the participants about the importance of deceased organ donation, religious and cultural barriers involved with organ donation & eye donation, concept of brain death and myths surrounding organ donation.
There were about 50 employees that have pledged to donate organs and were all of them were distributed donor cards, family donor cards and information brochures.
We thank Mr. Amit Kumar Maurya and the management of Intuit Incorporated for helping us in organizing this event to promote organ donation and wish to build a long-term relationship. We also thank all the employees for their active participation.