MOHAN Foundation received Unique Project Award in Conclave by Lions Club and Viva College

Updated on Wednesday, March 6, 2024
  • On 25th February 2024, Lions Club of Virar Vikas, IECA Foundation and Viva College organised;Social Conference on Sunday, 25th of February 2024 on the occasion of World NGO day where social organisations received a platform to share their social work commitment and experience in order for the people to understand their beneficiaries needs, difficulties and expectations.


    Shamika Singh, Transplant Coordinator at MOHAN Foundation represented the organization and shared all the work done. Mr. Shreehas Churi facilitated the session. Around 130 participantsattended the session and 4 of them pledge to donate their organs. MOHAN Foundation receivedan award of “The Unique Project” at the conclave.

    Source-Shamika Singh
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