28th November 2014 was celebrated as Impact Day by Deloitte employees. MOHAN Foundation was invited to speak to their employees and volunteers about the concept. Dr Hemal Kanvinde, Quality Assurance Officer conducted the session at their premises at T Nagar, Chennai. The campaign was spearheaded by Ms. Janani and ably assisted by Ms. Kartika and Mr. Kishore of Deloitte.
The session began with a short film on Organ Donation, followed by a talk and ended by a short film of a recipient speaking about her experience. In the talk, Dr Hemal spoke about the what, why, when and how of organ donation and transplantation. Brain death, process of donation, importance of counselors, organ allocation and registries were topics which elicited most questions. The volunteers were full of queries that they needed to clarify.
The volunteers were to set up two desks in the office premises for the employees to take a pledge for organ donation. In addition they planned to organise talks in two colleges of Chennai to promote organ donation.
30 employees attended the session and all of them pledged as organ donors.