On 1st June 2023, MOHAN Foundation was invited by Ms. Veena Wathode transplant coordinator of the Zonal Transplant coordinator center (ZTCC), Nagpur. Invited Mr. Bulu Behera to put a stall on organ donation at Yashwant Stadium, Dhantoli, Nagpur with the help of donor cards, broachers, Pledge forms and standee. Program for the occasion Cycle Expo at the stadium inside, Dhantoli, Nagpur.
Mr. Behera’s transplant coordinator gave information to visitors which is given below.
- What is organ donation? Who can donate an organ?
- What is brain death and natural death?
- After brain death, which organs and tissues can be donated?
- After natural death, which tissues can be donated, and what are the time factors?
- What is the difference between coma and brain death?
- Is organ donation possible if the patient is in a coma?
- Live person, which organs can be donated, and what are the criteria for live donation?
- Information regarding body donation and eye donation
- What are the legal and ethical implications of organ donation?
- What does the Transplantation of Human Organs Act of 1994 say about organ donation?
- What is the role of NOTTO, ROTO, SOTTO, ZTCC, and the MOHAN Foundation in organ donation?
- Historical aspect of organ donation.
- What are the time factors for organ donation?
It was an interactive session and the participants asked the following questions:
- If anyone multi organ failure is it possible for transplant?
- Is it possible if one organ is failure than other organ may be infected?
- Where is MOHAN Foundation office in Mumbai?
In the end, Bulu requested all the visitors to use the Foundation's website and helpline number for any information on organ donation or for online pledging of organs. About 35 visitors visited stall and 3 signed up for organ donation. MOHAN Foundation thanks Mrs.Veena Wathode for supporting the noble cause of organ donation.
Source-Mr. Bulu Behera