On 6th December 2023, MOHAN Foundation was invited by Sparsh Hospice Centre to conduct an awareness talk on organ donation. Sparsh Hospice is a centre for terminally ill cancer patients and was established in September 2011 as an initiative of Rotary Club of Banjara Hills (District RI 3150) under a separately constituted Trust named as Rotary Club of Banjara Hills Charitable Trust. Ms. Srividya, Project Manager, MOHAN Foundation was the key speaker and was accompanied by interns Mr. Raghoutham & Ms. Praharshita who are currently pursuing Law from Symbiosis Law College, Hyderabad
The following were discussed in detail
Some of the questions asked during the presentation were
Close to 30 people were present in the session
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad