On 13th March 2015, MOHAN Foundation was invited to attend the World Kidney Day 2015 event organized by the Department of Nephrology of PGIMER, Dr R.M.L.Hospital and AIIMS in the auditorium of Dr R.M.L.Hospital, New Delhi.
This was the 10th World Kidney Day and the theme for this year was”Kidney Health for all.” Experts from all fields such as Endocrinology, Surgery, Urology, Transplants and nurses from major hospitals of Delhi were invited to give talks. Central Government Health Service doctors, nurses, general public, school and nursing students from across Delhi also participated in the event.
The highlights of the program were poster presentations on screening and prevention of kidney diseases as well as on organ donation, public lectures on common kidney diseases, CME for CGHS doctors working at primary care level, Nukad Natak and quiz competition
Dr. Muneet Sahi, Dr. Rana Anil Kumar Singh (Kidney Transplant Surgeon, Dr R.M.L.Hospital), Col Puneeta Sharma (Principal, College of Nursing, Army R&R Hospital, New Delhi) and Dr. Nitin (Asst Professor of Surgery, Dr R.M.L.Hospital) were the chairpersons for the session, 'promotion of organ donation'. It was presented by Ms. Swapna (Transplant Coordinator, Dr R.M.L.Hospital).
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad