MOHAN Foundation invited as faculty at the 4th National Conclave on “Organ Donation” conducted by Sandra Shroff ROFEL College of Nursing, Vapi

Updated on Thursday, December 26, 2019
  • The 4thNational Conclave on “Organ Donation - Leave A Legacy of Life - Be an Organ Donor” was conducted by Sandra Shroff ROFEL College of Nursing (SSRCN), Vapi. The conclave was conducted on 21st December 2019 at the Smt. Sandraben Shroff Gnyan Dham School Auditorium. Faculty from MOHAN Foundation (MF) included Ms. Sujatha Suriyamoorthi, Manager – Information Systems and Ms. Jaya Jairam, Project Manager, MF Mumbai.

    Present at the inauguration were Mrs. Sandra Shroff, Founder & Chairman of SSRCN, Maj. Gen. Mrs. TK Bhutia (Retd), Principal, SSRCN, Dr. Sunil Keswani, Medical Director, National Burns Centre, Mr. Nilesh Mandlewala, Founder and President, Donate Life, Dr.Chandresh S Jardosh, President, Indian Medical association (Surat). During the chief guest address, Mrs. Sandra Shroff mentioned that it was very important to educate the students as they were the future. Having a school curriculum on the subject would help in inheriting the noble cause, organ donation.  

    Ms. Sujatha Suriyamoorthi introduced the concepts of organ donation and transplantation during her session on ‘Learn, Unlearn & Relearn-Organ Donation’. The following concepts were explained by her - Types or organ donation (Living vs Deceased), Circulatory death vs Brain stem death, Organs and tissues that can be donated (during and after life), Importance of organ donation, Donor card, legal aspects and a few myths and misconceptions.  A couple of videos were shown as part of her session to reiterate the concepts such as brain stem death and importance organ donation.

    Mrs. Jaya Jairam addressed the audience on ‘Ethical and LegalConcerns - Organ Donation’. She explained in detail the salient points of the Transplantation of Human Organs Act, 1994 and the subsequent amendment (2011). Ethical concerns involved aroundorgan donation and transplantation programme were also discussed. The participants were presented with a few case scenarios and ethical dilemmas. Some of the other sessions included in the programme were – corneal donation, skin donation, liver transplant, heart transplant, success and challenges in organ donation, organ donation process. 

    Source-Ms. Sujatha Suriyamoorthi
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