On 20th May 2016 MOHAN Foundation was invited by the human resources department of The Park Hotel, Mount Road, Chennai to speak to their employees about organ donation and transplantation. The session was conducted by Hemal Kanvinde, Qualtity Assurance Officer of MOHAN Foundation and was held in one of their banquet hall.
The session started with a motivational film, followed by the concepts of organ donation – why, when and how. A video explaining brain death The importance of a donor card and speaking to the family was discussed. Organ allocation and distribution was also explained.The session ended with audiovisual presentation on value of donation.
48 staff members from all sections of the hotel came for the talk. Post talk discussion was related to costs and the need for donation.
4 staff members picked donor cards, some of them had done online registrations.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad