MOHAN Foundation conducts awareness talks at Bharti AXA General Insurance’s offices at Goregaon

Updated on Thursday, September 28, 2017
  • Bharti AXA General Insurance Company approached MOHAN Foundation for conducting awareness talks at its offices at Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Chennai.

    Mrs.Jaya Jairam conducted the awareness talks for Mumbai office at Goregaon on 6th September 2017. After sharing a brief introduction about MOHAN Foundation and its activities, she spoke about what is Organ Donation, why is it needed, who can be donors and the process of how organ donation and transplantation is done. She also discussed the various barriers, myths and facts relating to organ donation.

    As part of their week long Organ Donation campaign, all their employees from all over India were shared inspirational messages and were encouraged to sign up online by linking to MOHAN Foundation’s website. Around 100 of them signed up through this initiative.

    MOHAN Foundation wishes to thank Ms. Geetanjali Kothari and Mr.Upendra Namboodri for their support of the cause of Organ donation.

    Source-Mrs. Jaya Jairam
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