In association with the VANAMATI agriculture training center, Dharampeth, Nagpur, MOHAN Foundation organized an awareness program on 15th June 2018 on Organ Donation for trainee agriculture officers who come from all over Maharashtra.
Dr.Ravi Wankhede conducted the session. To begin with there was a short interaction to understand the level of understanding. After interaction explaining brain death was shown and the Concepts of Organ Donation were explained with the help of a presentation. Topic covered were type of death, brain death organ and tissue donation under different categories, importance of safe driving and registration process for organ donation. He gave information about rate of organ donation in Nagpur, and requested the trainees to use MOHAN Foundation website as well as helpline number.
The trainees had the following doubts:
Is organ transplant 100% success of not?
Can a diabetic person donate kidney after brain death?
What is the priority list of Organ donation?
Whom to inform for organ donation?
At the end of the talk Ms. Sushma Deshmukh training-incharge thanked Dr. Ravi Wankhede as well as trainees. MOHAN Foundation thanks the Mr. Sandeep Khodwe for the invitation and all the participants.