On March 15, 2022 at 2.00 pm an Organ Donation awareness programme was conducted at the C L Baid Metha College of Pharmacy, Chennai. Mr. Ganesh C, Marketing Coordinator and Ms Preetha Baskar, Project Executive - Helpline & Public Education conducted the sessions. About 86 students from the sixth semester participated in the awareness programme.
Ms Preetha Baskar commenced the session with a talk on the Concepts of Organ Donation. The talk was interspersed with questions that helped in gauging the understanding of the students. Ms Preetha spoke of what, who and when organ donation is possible. She also spoke of the importance of pledging and discussing the decision with the family. Using a donor story and a recipient story. She highlighted the importance of donation.
A video exhaling all aspects of brain death was screened. This was followed by a heart recipient’s video.
In the next session, Mr. Ganesh C, Marketing Coordinator, explained about the courses offered by MOHAN Foundation. He also spoke of the career prospects of a Transplant Coordinator.
Heartfelt thanks to Dr. Grace Rathnam, Principal, C L Baid Metha College of Pharmacy for granting permission to conduct the awareness programme and special thanks to Ms. C. Kavitha, Associate Professor and Ms. G. Shanthini Nachiyar, Assistant Professor for their coordination.
The session ended with a vote of thanks given by the students.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad