MOHAN Foundation conducts Organ Donation Awareness Session at Om Shakti Mahila Mandal at Kalyan

Updated on Saturday, January 20, 2018
  • On 15th January 2018, MOHAN Foundation was invited by Mr. NagarajanIyer, our Angel of Change and the representative of Giants Group of Kalyan Metro to conduct Awareness Session on Organ Donation at Om Shakti Mahila Mandal, Kalyan.

    MOHAN Foundation representative and Mr. NagrajanIyer  held interactive session with the Participants in which thorough information was given on What is Organ Donation, Who can donate the organs, Why to donate the organs, When and What organs can be donated, What are the various Myths & Misconceptions regarding Organ Donation and the sharing and allocation of Organs. The information on Pledge form and Donor Cards was also given during the session. A donor family was also invited and was requested to share their story of donating loved one’s cornea after natural death.

    Total of 30 Participants were there in the Session who got sensitized on the issue of Organ Donation. Among them 15 people signed up for Organ Donation and some of them were willing to conduct the awareness session in other local areas as well.

    We wish to convey our sincere Thanks to Mr. NagarajanIyer for giving us the opportunity to further our cause in organ donation.

    Source-Ms. Vaidehi Patil
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