On January 31, 2024, Dayanand Arya Kanya Mahavidlaya, Jaripatka organized Organ donation awareness session for National Service Scheme (NSS) camp students. Dr. Tanuja Rajput, NSS in charge invited MOHAN Foundation, to sensitize students on importance of organ donation & Transplantation. Mr. Bulu Behera, Transplant coordinator, gave the following information.
What is Organ donation?
Who can donate organ?
What is live donation and which organ can be donation live donation?
Type of death. In case of Natural death which tissues can be donate and his time factor.In case of Brain death which organ and tissues can be donated?
Ethical rules and regulation on organ donation.Information regarding MOHAN foundation activities. Information regarding organ donation and helpline number & donor card.
Questions asked by participants
1)Can anyone sale his Kidney?
2)What is the registration process for Organ Transplant?Approximately 45 students were present and 5 of them signed the pledge form.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad