On 24th October, 2015, MOHAN Foundation Chandigarh was invited to conduct an awareness program at the village Khuda Alisher. MOHAN Foundation was invited by the NSS program Officer of the Govt Home Science College, Chandigarh Ms.Ritu Sharma and Ms.chhaya to deliver a lecture on organ donation .There were around 120 student volunteer and around 100 community members who attended.
They were given a presentation on Organ donation, in which all the aspects about it were covered. The phenomenon of brain death was also explained to the audience by Nilakshi. It was an interactive session in which the community members participated very well and all the NSS volunteers helped them to understand the concept.
It was indeed very nice endeavour taken by the NSS officers of Govt Home Science college .Such events shall be promoted by all.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad