MOHAN Foundation was invited to conduct an awareness session at the state level YRC camp for boys on 5th of August, 2015 by Indian Red Cross, Haryana. There were around 150 students who participated in the camp from different colleges and University of Haryana. The camp was organized by the Red Cross, Haryana and the coordinator Sanjeev Dhiman arranged the whole event.The session lasted for couple of hour as the students were really curious to know the details of organ donation and asked so many questions regarding that.
The Students were given a presentation on organ Donation in which all the aspects were covered like What is Organ Donation, who all can donate organs, brain death and the laws pertaining to organ donation by the Program Coordinator Nilakshi .Some of the students shared their own experience regarding organ donation. It was indeed an interactive session. Students was given donor cards and information broachers .Around 100 donor cards were taken.
Students promised that they will be an ambassador for organ donation in their respective area.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad