On 20th October, 2013 an awareness session on organ donation was organised for the members of the Nair Service Society (NSS), Mehrauli, New Delhi. The talk was part of the Society’s ‘Ona Sangamam’ celebrations. Mr. V. Satyanarayan, Chairman, NSS took the initiative to invite the Foundation to conduct the session. The other important dignitaries who participated in the event were Mr. M. K. G. Pillai, President, NSS, Delhi; Mr. Satbir Singh, former Mayor, Delhi and Ms. Pushpa Singh, Councillor, Municipal Corporation, Delhi.
Dr. Muneet Sahi, Transplant Coordinator, MOHAN Foundation, Delhi-NCR conducted the talk in Hindi. She focused on the concept of organ donation. Further; she also spoke about eye/body donation, the Transplantation of Human Organs (THO) Act, brain stem death and about the importance of carrying a donor card.
The talk was attended by about 90 participants and 75 donor cards were picked up.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad