A special meeting of Rotary Chandigarh was planned with invitation to all its members, Rotracts and Interacts to commemorate the landmark event of its Association with MOHAN Foundation and launching of its Organ Donation Project. The event was organised at ROTARY HOUSE on 8th September 2017.
Mr. Lourd Vijay, who stopped over at Chandigarh during his trip from Bangalore to Chennai via Leh. He was invited as Chief Guest for this event. Event was organized by Ms. Sartaj Lamba, Secretary, Rotary Chandigarh. President, Sh. P.S.Matharoo presided over the function. Many Past Presidents, Project Directors and Executive Members beside the Rotarians attended.
Sh. D.P.Singh, Past President, in a beautifully worded address, inaugurated the event. Mr. Sudhir Dewan, Director, MOHAN Foundation, Chandigarh introduced the chief guest and spoke about the need for organs in India.
Mr. Lourd Vijay spoke about his own experience and conviction to promote Organ Donation. He informed the audience that he, during his journey, has been able to get over 1000 pledges.
Mr. P.S. Matharoo, President, spoke on conviction of Rotarians to make this project a success with association with Mohan Foundation. Mr. A.P.Singh, President designate, gave vote of thanks to all who contributed to make this event, a success. A special mention for the dedicated contribution of Sh. C.J.Singh, Past President, to make the event, a success.
ROTARY BANNER and Posters were released to mark the inauguration of ORGAN DONATION PROJECT.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad