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MOHAN Foundation Partners With Lions Club of Hyderabad (East) For Organ Donation Promotion

Updated on Wednesday, August 10, 2016
  • Lions Club of Hyderabad (East), which has a long history of promoting eye donations, has taken it upon itself to promote organ donation in a big way.  A co-branded brochure on organ donation was released by the International Director of Lions Club, Lion Vijay Kumar Raju, on 7th August, 2016 at SNR Gardens, Hyderabad.


    MOHAN Foundation team set up a booth to disseminate the message of organ donation to all the Lions Club presidents that attended an event from 11 districts of Telangana.  Around 600 donor cards were distributed.  Several Presidents pledged their support to spread the message of organ donation to their club members.

    Source-Mrs. Lalitha Raghuram


Posted By : Murlidhar Jhawar, on Sunday, August 14, 2016
Noble cause. A way to give back to society. After the life if body which practically no body knows what will happen to him by last rituals if used for anybody's survival or for research, it should be treated as the best tribute to the human life. I treat it as the moksha for the deported soul.
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