On November 15, 2024, MOHAN Foundation interns Mr. Sameer Khan and Ms. Eram Firdous, both pursuing a one-year diploma in Public Health from Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, organized an organ donation awareness campaign in the Zakir Nagar locality of Jamia Nagar, New Delhi. As part of their internship with the MOHAN Foundation NCR Office, the interns engaged the local community to raise awareness about organ donation and placed helpline posters throughout the area.
Zakir Nagar, a residential locality in South Delhi near the Okhla region, was the venue for this initiative. The interns actively promoted the organ donation helpline by strategically pasting posters along neighbourhood lanes and conducting surveys to assess public awareness.
Survey questions included:
• What do you know about organ donation?
• Which organs can be donated?
• What do you know about eye donation?
To supplement these efforts, the interns distributed informative pamphlets detailing organ donation processes and encouraged participants to pledge as organ donors.
The interaction provided a valuable platform to dispel common myths surrounding organ donation. Many residents expressed a newfound interest in registering as organ donors, motivated by the interns' informative and empathetic engagement.
Approximately 50 people were sensitized during the campaign, marking a significant step in fostering organ donation awareness within the community.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad