On 15th November 2016, MOHAN Foundation was invited by the commandant Tejinder, NCC No. 1 Naval Unit Chandigarh, to conduct an awareness talk for their N.C.C. Cadets and J.C.Os at NCC Academy, Ropar. The group of cadets were from Chandigarh (School & Colleges). The cadets were very much aware about Organ Donation. Around 400 cadets and 10 J.C.Os participated in the program.
Audience was given an introduction by Mr. Sudhir Dewan and presentation on Organ Donation and Brain Death by Ms. Deepika Arora.
In this talk she explained the following Points: -
Importance of Donor Card
When is Organ Transplant Needed?
Types of Donations – Live & Deceased
What is Brain Death?
Causes of Brain Death
Queries were raised by Cadets: -
What is Bone Marrow?
Can a Person with eye disorder donate Corneas after Death?
After Brain Death does the Heart beats?
It was indeed & amazing session. All the cadets, JCOs and Commandant in the talk expressed their support for the concept.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad