On 11th December 2019, MOHAN Foundation was invited by the Commandant, Col BPS Thakur to conduct an awareness talk on organ donation for their NCC Cadets, 03 Officers, 01 ANO’s, 15 JCOs. Around 400 Cadets from various schools of Punjab participated in the program.
Mr. Dewan started the lecture giving information about Organ Donation.
Participants were given the presentation on organ donation and brain death by Ms. Neha Sharma telling them about how important is Organ Donation and it provides the opportunity to improve the quality of life and saving lives of others.
In this talk she explained the following points: -
The entire audience got motivated and was an interactive session with the Cadets. The awareness talk ended with a vote of thanks by Col. BPS Thakur.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad