On 12th December 2019, MOHAN Foundation was invited by the Teleflex Industries Private Limited, Industrial Area, Phase II, Chandigarh to conduct an awareness talk on Organ Donation for their Employees. Around 22 Employees Participated in the session.
Participants were given an introduction and presentation on Organ donation and brain death by Ms.Neha Sharma.
In this talk she explained the following points: -
They can also motivate people at work place, neighbourhood and their community. The entire group was motivated that they will support Organ donation movement in a big way. Participants also asked various questions on organ donation after the presentation. Everyone took keen interest with appreciation for the cause. All Employees took the Donor Cards.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad