On 22nd April 2024, MOHAN Foundation was invited by Col. R.S. Gadhok Director Olive Green Institute Sector-13 Chandigarh to conduct an awareness talk on organ donation for their SSB Students. Ms. Neha Sharma, Program Officer, MOHAN Foundation, had met with Lt. Vijay Kumar Admin Officer-cum-Office Manager, to discuss the possibility of conducting a session on organ donation for the SSB Students. She also introduced the Foundation and its objectives and mission. The session was organised by Lt. Vijay Kumar, Admin Officer-cum-Office Manager, at Olive Green Institute Sector-13 Chandigarh.
Olive Greens is a multifaceted Institute, which is earnestly committed towards promoting individual and organizational competence for HR development through a scientific process of intellectual, emotional and social skills enhancement. The spectrum of our activities spans Personality and Aptitude Assessment, Leadership and Team Building and Soft Skills Development. The need to build up and sustain a robust and effective corporate leadership cannot be over emphasized. A series of interventions based on self evaluation, team dynamics and intra-group activities have been evolved by us, which are conducted as a scientifically designed training process to build strong interpersonal relationships and assists in managing stress in the dynamic corporate environment.
Ms. Neha Sharma started the session by asking the people there what they knew about organ donation. Participants engaged in a highly interactive discussion about the topic. She explained the concept of organ donation with the help of a PowerPoint presentation. The following topics were explained in detail:
• The importance of organ donation in society
• When and how does organ donation take place?
• Organs that can be donated during life and after death
• Transplant waiting list in India
• Brain death
• Difference between brain death and coma
• Role of the MOHAN Foundation
• Myths and facts about organ donation
• Eye donation
• How to pledge for organ donation
A short informative film on brain death was also shown and the importance of family consent in the process of organ donation was explained to the students.
The participants asked many questions during the sessions. Ms. Neha Sharma explained and answered all the queries one by one. To name a few:
• Is Euthanasia and Brain death are Same?
• What is the difference between a coma and brain death?
• Is a brain-dead person considered alive or dead?
• How long can organs be stored?
• What is the time frame for transplanting organs?
• Are organs free of charge, or are they charged?
At the end, Ms. Neha Sharma gave the vote of thanks. All the Participants got motivated and convinced to support organ donation. They would love to share their wish with their families. Our Special thanks to Col. R.S Gadhok Director, Olive Green Institute Sector-13 Chandigarh for inviting us and supporting the cause of Organ Donation.
Close to 80 participants attended the session.