On 15th September 2024, MOHAN Foundation was invited by the Secretary, Indian Red Cross Society - Haryana State Branch, Chandigarh to conduct an awareness talk at Red Cross, State Level Youth Training Camp For Boys held at Geeta Gyan Sansthanam Kurukshetra Haryana. Around 280 students, 20 counsellors from Haryana and faculty members of Red Cross - Haryana participated in the Session.
Participants were given an introduction and presentation on Organ Donation and Brain Death by Ms. Neha Sharma. All aspects were like what is Organ and Tissue Donation, Types of Donors, value of a Donor Card, MOHAN Foundation’s Mission and Vision, were covered.
It was indeed and amazing session. At the end of the session Ms. Neha requested the counsellors and Red Cross, Haryana that they should use this information for awareness campaigns on Organ Donation in their respective camps. All participants promised that, they will promote organ donation at their forthcoming training camps.
Our special thanks to Mr. Rohit, Camp Director for organising the whole event. Ms. Neha Sharma was presented with a memento by Red Cross - Haryana team.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad