On January 3, 2025, MOHAN Foundation conducted an Awareness Talk on Organ Donation organized by Mr Prakash Wadkar from Apollo Hospital and Mr. Jaspal in charge of Kharghar Valley Golf Course for members of Golf Course. Ms Prarthana began session with introduced MOHAN Foundation to the participants. She explained about the living donations and deceased donation and which organ can be donated after death. She added that there were a number of patients with end stage disease of other organs like heart, lungs and liver who required transplants too. The organs and tissues that can be donated while living and after a person dies of circulatory death were listed out. She then focused on brain stem death and listed out the organs and tissues that could be donated. She spoke about how time was critical in transplanting organs from deceased donors. The role of the ZTCC was discussed and myths were clarified. The utter need of organ donation in India (opt-in law) was explained through comparison of organ donation rate in other countries like Spain (opt-out law). She ended the talk by giving an outline about the MOHAN Foundation helpline number. Some of the questions asked were
1. Can burn person donate their cornea?
2. Is there any age limit for cornea donation?
Ms Prarthana Dwivedi answered all the queries promptly. Around 64 participants attended the session.
MOHAN Foundation would like to thank Mr. Jaspal and all the members of Kharghar Valley Golf Course for inviting us and supporting the cause of Organ Donation.