On March 19, 2023 Lions Club organised their Regional Meet in Savera Hotel at 5:00PM. On this occasion MOHAN Foundation was given an opportunity to put up an information desk to create awareness on organ donation and transplantation.
With the support of Lion J. Paraneetharan (Zone Chairperson), the team of Ms. Arshiya Fathima H (Helpline counselor), Ms. Asha Bai, Intern from MOP Vaishnav College for Women and Ms. Bridgit (Ambassador) put up a help desk at the entrance of meeting hall where the visibility is maximum. The desk had a standee, information brochures, green ribbons and registration forms and donor cards.
Over 300 Lions Club members attended the meeting. Around 200 members came to the stall to gain knowledge on Organ Donation and Transplantation and 6 of them picked up the donor card. MJF Lion P. Manisekar (District GLT Coordinator) He was sharing his thoughts on Organ Donation as ‘Gift of Life’. Ms. Arshiya explained about the Helpline call 18001037100 and its uses.
Some queries asked by the people:
1. If a person dies due to natural causes, what is the procedure for voluntary donation.
2. What is the Ambassador course?
3. Skin donation procedure and to whom is the skin given.
4. How to register if the person is in need of a kidney.
5. How does MOHAN Foundation know of my death?
MOHAN Foundation thanks Lion J. Paraneetharan (Zone Chairperson) and Lions Club for this wonderful opportunity.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad