Mr. Gowtham, a member of Vinoth Arakkattalai, Salem invited MOHAN Foundation to give a talk on the Concepts of Brain Death and Organ Donation at Jai Ram Arts & Science College, Salem on 11th March 2013.
Mr. M. Issac, Transplant Coordinator of MOHAN Foundation was deputed from Chennai to carry out the awareness talk. He conducted two sessions with the students of the college. He explained the following topics to the participants:
All the participants were very much involved with the session and showed their support for Organ Donation by picking up Donor Cards. They also raised few queries like:
1. If I die without knowing organ donation, can my parents donate my organs?
2. Is there any medicine to revive a brain death patient?
3. How can I be sure of my organs are donated to a needy patient?
The queries were answered. Around 200 students and teachers picked up donor cards and promised to spread this information to their family members and friends. Mr. M. Issac interacted with the staff and visitors of the college and informed them about Organ Donation and the activities of MOHAN Foundation.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad