Mrs. Alpa Talvia of Laughter Club, Shivaji Park Ram Nagar, Nagpur invited MOHAN Foundation to give information about Organ Donation to the members. The session held was on 9th June 2014 at 7.00am in the park.
Mr. Bulu Behera transplant coordinator of the MOHAN Foundation conducted that talk. He explained the concepts of Organ Donation, Transplantation and Brain Death. He gave examples of which organs and tissues can be donated after brain, natural death and while a person is alive. He explained that brain death is final. With the consent brain death patient’s family, organ donation can take place and many end-stage organ failure patients’ lives can be saved.
After the talk he gave information about MOHAN Foundation activities, helpline number and website. 20 members of the club attended the session. All members wanted to discuss with their family members before taking a decision of pledging their organs.
Some question asked by the participants:
1. Can Hepatitis B patient donate organ?
2. Where is MOHAN Foundation office?
Mrs. Alpa Talvia gave vote of thanks to Mr.Bulu Behera as well as members of laughter club.
Place: Hyderabad
J Place: Chennai
Place: Chennai
Place: Hyderabad
Place: Bengaluru
Place: Hyderabad